berjuang sbb nk kurus

starting point : 86.2kg (tinggi 168cm)

2 jan 2011 : 82.3kg (lost 3.9 kg)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

muscle ku sakit...

korg penah dgr ape itu lunges?n penah try wat lunges?mesti penah arini aku nk berckp ttg lunges..[ohh semangat]

tetibe rse smgt nk ckp pasal lunges ni bkn ape,sbb skrg ni aku tgh dok sakit2 penangan dek lunges ni..but what i remember yg trainer dlu pnh ckp..lunges ni mmg elok utk aku yg muntot besar blh kasik reduce skit..heheh..

so sblm pegi lagi jauh..mari tgk vidiyo semenet ni..

n bile korg tgk vid ni..mmg korg cam akn perlekehkan aku..alolo..senang punye exercise pn tak larat buat ke?..n guess antara komen kat youtube..

i know! lol
it looks soo simple.....bloody not!!

so makanye bukan aku sorg merasainye..ade geng..

aku cube mencari article pasal lunges in bm so dat lagi mudah paham,but bile translate lunges = menekuk lutut..n cm lagi weird takpe..bace la in b.i sajer..heheh

of coz ni bukan aku...ishh,cntiknye body..i want i want

lunges ni sebenarnye sgt2 effektif utk lower body workout..yg mane senaman ni menggerakkan atau melakukan kerja utk hampir semua major muscle kaki secara serentak..dari segi kebaikan,as mention by trainer aku dlu blh menguatkan otot2 peha n kuruskan peha n muntot kalo dibuat slalu..tpi definately bile buat 3set of lunges ni..yg nmpk cam easy,tpi esoknye hazabla dah 2 hari aku cam nenek tua,nk bangun pn sakit,nk sembhyg pn sakit..sume sakit..tpi demi nk kurus..akn ku pain no gain..

arini merupakan hari berpuasa..actually tak plan pn..cume dh alang2 terbangun kul 4pg n Allah bukakan hati utk tahajud,so kul 5 cmtu trus bersahur..tpi btul jugak,some said..kalo die siap pasang niat,mlm ni nk qiam la..tpi utk aku ssh sgt nk works..msti terjaganye kul 6.30..qiam kejadahnye...subuh dah bile Allah bagi keizinan wat ibadah ni kna la guna sepenuhnye..tak dpt tiap2 hari,seminggu sekali,tak dpt semggu skali,sbulan skali,setahun sekali...tak pn atleast seumur hidup sekali..ok..cita2 asal bukanlah utk menjadi ustazah..sekian trima kaseeyy makanye,arini aku berpuasa..bkn utk kurus..niat msti btul..tpi utk ganti pose2 yg masih ditmbh penangan sakit kaki buat i kena berehat..memasak pn tak blh..heheheh..

ermm..ade 1 lagi berita gumbira..starting februari ade klas senamrobik free kat klinik hillcity...n aku berkobar2 nk join...atleast ade gak exercise skit2..skrg nk joging punye la malas...cmne nk kurus..haihhh

till then..slamat berdiet!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

usaha lagi

sekian lama meninggalkan blog..ermm ni tnda2 dah malas ke?waaa..tlg..jgn la malas.
ok dah beratkins utk hampir sebulan..gumbire rase hati sbb berjaya tak makan nasi n geng2 nasi yg sewaktu dgn nasik..bihun ke ape ke..mmg tak..tpi slama sbulan atkins ni..mmg honestly byk kali aku terkandas...mkn lebih dari 20g..n stiap kali terasa lbh mulalah senangkan kire your cheat day...tpi kalo dah ari2 cheat...tak blh la..ermm.please smgt..dtg la balik..aku nk kurus..

n aku perasan sumthing...everytime aku nengok biggest loser aku akn smgt..n arini pn smgt update blog sbb mlm tdi tgk jilian memarah2 family gumuk tu suh exercise...n tup2 mlm tdi b4 tdo..tetibe rase nk exercise..huhu..sungguh yoyo-or saje aku ini

takpe..since hari ni ari senin..aku mula lagi...aku nk buat induction ni sampai aku lebam..heheh..atleast blh get rid of nasik..tu sudah sgt baguih..MySpace

ok mengupdate berat terkini.:
selepas reinduction atkins

ok..aku mula percaya pd diet tgk perkembangan si nujie ni lagi la aku kagum..smoga aku mampu kuat seperti nujie n sifu zul

n last week..[mls sbnrnyer nk ckp psal last week] sbb tak begitu indah..aku diet tpi terabur..dgn exercise langsung TAK..ape nk jadi?so minggu ni perlu berubah..n mesti berubah

so ambik berat starting 82.3kg sbb pagi tdi timbang pn takpe..kasik semangat skit..nk mula balik..walo naik 0.5kg,tpi usaha kna truskan...pas sorg2 ilang no 8 tu..aku biler lagi...MySpace 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

durian..i hate u but i love u

daku makan durian dgn byknye.............n skrg sudah menyesal..
takpelah..setahun hanya sekali..
ok itu shj update terkini..

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

menu day 1

my reinduction menu
day 1 :27/12/2010
breakfast: 1biji telur membungkus sekeping cheese (0.01+0.7g)
sapuan 1 sudu tuna (0.4g)

lunch: 2 pieces sausage (2x1.7g)
coleslow (baby cabbage + cherry tomatoes)

dinner: pegi pasar malam
isi kebab aym n coleslow
1 ketul aym percik tnpa kuah(aku yakin carb agak tinggi ni sbb manis2 skit)

satu kan sume menu utk sehari         


Monday, December 27, 2010

nasihat diri sendri

changing is the only thing saving your life

thing aren't meant to stay = kegumukan yg perlu disingkirkan...dun let its stay in you
change will not be what we want = menahan makan,tak blh itu dan ini..
change is actually what we need = yahh..i want to be healthy..n look guwd
saying goodbye is the hardest thing = to say goodbye to rice n carbo is say goodbye to fastfood is harder n to say goodbye to carbonate drink n ice is hardessstt.
saying hello again is the thing that break u down = jgn gedik2 tmbh weight lagi ooii..u know how it makes u suffer..

so as i wish......[pejam mata dan simpan niat]

n please break your own record of diet.....u are still alive without rice don't you??

till then..happy newyear 2011 people..keep on diet..

Sunday, December 26, 2010

mitos2 mengenai atkins diet n fakta disebaliknye

ok..memandangkan nk mula balik kna survey2 n bace2 lik pasal induction..n ini yg aku jumpe

7mitos mengenai diet atkins[n aku malas nk translate]

1. Low Carb = No Carb

This misconception is the idea that a “low”-carb diet must be really really low in carbohydrates. You will read that low carb diets attempt to “eliminate carbohydrates,” for example.

Fact: Not one low-carb diet author advocates this. Even Atkins Induction, which is very low in carbohydrates, is not “no carb,” is only meant to last two weeks, and actually can be skipped altogether, according to the Atkins Web site.

Fact: Diet authors who recommend reducing carbs have all sorts of different ideas about carb levels.

Fact: The carbohydrate level should be adjusted to the individual.

Fact: Over the years, the “nutritional establishment” has been gradually lowering the range of recommended carbohydrate in the diet, at the same time condemning reduced-carb diets, some of which may be recommending the lower end of the new “accepted range,” or close to it. Example: Dr. Dean Edell, a prominent media physician, once stated that the Zone Diet, a 40% carbohydrate, low saturated fat diet, “could be dangerous” because it is too low in carbohydrates. The National Academy of Sciences recommends that 45% to 65% of the diet be carbohydrate, depending upon the individual.

2. Low-Carb Diets Discourage Eating Vegetables and Fruits

Because vegetables and fruits are mainly carbohydrate, people believe that they are not allowed on low-carb diets.

Fact: The opposite is true –- non-starchy vegetables are usually at the bottom of the low carb pyramids meaning they are the “staff of life” of the diet (replacing grains in that role) and people who follow a low-carb way of eating almost always eat more vegetables than the general population. For the most part, vegetables and fruits ARE the carbs eaten when following a low-carb way of eating.

3. Low-Carb Diets Have Inadequate Fiber

The reasoning goes that since fiber IS carbohydrate, a low-carb diet MUST be low in fiber.

Fact: Since fiber remains undigested (in fact, it lessens the impact of other carbohydrates on blood sugar), it is encouraged on low-carb diets. Lots of low-carb foods are high in fiber, and on diets that encourage carb counting, fiber does not enter into the calculation. 

4. People Eating Low Carb Are Courting Heart Disease

Fact: In study after study, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and other markers for heart disease risk decline on low-carb diets. Also, in one large long term study, even low-carb diets with a lot of animal fat and protein did not raise the risk of heart disease.

5. Low-Carb Diets Will Damage the Kidneys

The reasoning here is that because people with kidney disease are usually encouraged to eat LOW protein diets, a diet that is higher in protein will CAUSE kidney disease.

Fact: This has never been shown to be the case, and, in fact, a low-carb diet is often not higher in protein than the latest recommended levels.

6. Low-Carb Diets Will “Suck the Calcium Out of Your Bones”

Again, this is based on the idea that low-carb diets are always high in protein. People on higher protein diets tend to have more calcium in their urine. But this turns out to be a red herring.

Fact: it turns out that protein, rather than cause bone loss, actually protects our bones. 

7. Atkins "Died of His Own Diet"

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this one –- and I am STILL hearing it.

Fact: Robert Atkins, originator of the Atkins Diet, died from head injuries resulting from a fall. See his death certificate. Also, he was not fat when he died, but took on a lot of fluid in the hospital while in intensive care after his injury. More about Atkins' Death


i'm going to start back my induction process..i don't really know how the kitosis process works in my body..but somehow i've read some article about this lowcarb general,kitosis means our body are using fat to transform into energy which actually what carb usually since i consume more than 20g carb intake this few i'm scare this kitosis process will be stop.its totally hard for me to avoid eating something which i need to get rid off..too many obstacle for last week..cousins coming for a visit n bring a barrel of KFC [sukar utk menolak] my fren treat me at dominos which i have no idea,what else to order n she is the only to make the order..[almaklum la org blanje]..n not to forget,my sister ask me to drop by at mcD coz she really want the i made my mind to order spicy chicken..2 pieces..argghh..totally regret.

so this is the main reason to start my induction process again by tomorrow..n will update soon.pray for me..i want to get back to my shape when i was in my 1st year of degree..