berjuang sbb nk kurus

starting point : 86.2kg (tinggi 168cm)

2 jan 2011 : 82.3kg (lost 3.9 kg)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

menu day 1

my reinduction menu
day 1 :27/12/2010
breakfast: 1biji telur membungkus sekeping cheese (0.01+0.7g)
sapuan 1 sudu tuna (0.4g)

lunch: 2 pieces sausage (2x1.7g)
coleslow (baby cabbage + cherry tomatoes)

dinner: pegi pasar malam
isi kebab aym n coleslow
1 ketul aym percik tnpa kuah(aku yakin carb agak tinggi ni sbb manis2 skit)

satu kan sume menu utk sehari         


Monday, December 27, 2010

nasihat diri sendri

changing is the only thing saving your life

thing aren't meant to stay = kegumukan yg perlu disingkirkan...dun let its stay in you
change will not be what we want = menahan makan,tak blh itu dan ini..
change is actually what we need = yahh..i want to be healthy..n look guwd
saying goodbye is the hardest thing = to say goodbye to rice n carbo is say goodbye to fastfood is harder n to say goodbye to carbonate drink n ice is hardessstt.
saying hello again is the thing that break u down = jgn gedik2 tmbh weight lagi ooii..u know how it makes u suffer..

so as i wish......[pejam mata dan simpan niat]

n please break your own record of diet.....u are still alive without rice don't you??

till then..happy newyear 2011 people..keep on diet..

Sunday, December 26, 2010

mitos2 mengenai atkins diet n fakta disebaliknye

ok..memandangkan nk mula balik kna survey2 n bace2 lik pasal induction..n ini yg aku jumpe

7mitos mengenai diet atkins[n aku malas nk translate]

1. Low Carb = No Carb

This misconception is the idea that a “low”-carb diet must be really really low in carbohydrates. You will read that low carb diets attempt to “eliminate carbohydrates,” for example.

Fact: Not one low-carb diet author advocates this. Even Atkins Induction, which is very low in carbohydrates, is not “no carb,” is only meant to last two weeks, and actually can be skipped altogether, according to the Atkins Web site.

Fact: Diet authors who recommend reducing carbs have all sorts of different ideas about carb levels.

Fact: The carbohydrate level should be adjusted to the individual.

Fact: Over the years, the “nutritional establishment” has been gradually lowering the range of recommended carbohydrate in the diet, at the same time condemning reduced-carb diets, some of which may be recommending the lower end of the new “accepted range,” or close to it. Example: Dr. Dean Edell, a prominent media physician, once stated that the Zone Diet, a 40% carbohydrate, low saturated fat diet, “could be dangerous” because it is too low in carbohydrates. The National Academy of Sciences recommends that 45% to 65% of the diet be carbohydrate, depending upon the individual.

2. Low-Carb Diets Discourage Eating Vegetables and Fruits

Because vegetables and fruits are mainly carbohydrate, people believe that they are not allowed on low-carb diets.

Fact: The opposite is true –- non-starchy vegetables are usually at the bottom of the low carb pyramids meaning they are the “staff of life” of the diet (replacing grains in that role) and people who follow a low-carb way of eating almost always eat more vegetables than the general population. For the most part, vegetables and fruits ARE the carbs eaten when following a low-carb way of eating.

3. Low-Carb Diets Have Inadequate Fiber

The reasoning goes that since fiber IS carbohydrate, a low-carb diet MUST be low in fiber.

Fact: Since fiber remains undigested (in fact, it lessens the impact of other carbohydrates on blood sugar), it is encouraged on low-carb diets. Lots of low-carb foods are high in fiber, and on diets that encourage carb counting, fiber does not enter into the calculation. 

4. People Eating Low Carb Are Courting Heart Disease

Fact: In study after study, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and other markers for heart disease risk decline on low-carb diets. Also, in one large long term study, even low-carb diets with a lot of animal fat and protein did not raise the risk of heart disease.

5. Low-Carb Diets Will Damage the Kidneys

The reasoning here is that because people with kidney disease are usually encouraged to eat LOW protein diets, a diet that is higher in protein will CAUSE kidney disease.

Fact: This has never been shown to be the case, and, in fact, a low-carb diet is often not higher in protein than the latest recommended levels.

6. Low-Carb Diets Will “Suck the Calcium Out of Your Bones”

Again, this is based on the idea that low-carb diets are always high in protein. People on higher protein diets tend to have more calcium in their urine. But this turns out to be a red herring.

Fact: it turns out that protein, rather than cause bone loss, actually protects our bones. 

7. Atkins "Died of His Own Diet"

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this one –- and I am STILL hearing it.

Fact: Robert Atkins, originator of the Atkins Diet, died from head injuries resulting from a fall. See his death certificate. Also, he was not fat when he died, but took on a lot of fluid in the hospital while in intensive care after his injury. More about Atkins' Death


i'm going to start back my induction process..i don't really know how the kitosis process works in my body..but somehow i've read some article about this lowcarb general,kitosis means our body are using fat to transform into energy which actually what carb usually since i consume more than 20g carb intake this few i'm scare this kitosis process will be stop.its totally hard for me to avoid eating something which i need to get rid off..too many obstacle for last week..cousins coming for a visit n bring a barrel of KFC [sukar utk menolak] my fren treat me at dominos which i have no idea,what else to order n she is the only to make the order..[almaklum la org blanje]..n not to forget,my sister ask me to drop by at mcD coz she really want the i made my mind to order spicy chicken..2 pieces..argghh..totally regret.

so this is the main reason to start my induction process again by tomorrow..n will update soon.pray for me..i want to get back to my shape when i was in my 1st year of degree..

Saturday, December 25, 2010

kemerapuan....tu la byk sgt mkn ikan kerapu

ok smangat nk update mengikut hari mmg tak bape berjaya..ntah nape ekk..padahal sume gmbr mknan dah snap everytime makan.

but anyway..ade bnda yg aku nk share sbb menda ni berlaku pada aku sndri..ok..setelah mengkhatamkan sume isi kandungan blog dzul..mmg ade one of the entry tu die ckp,jgn dok g timbang sepuluh kali sehari...ok tu tipu...jgn dok timbang too frequent...n maybe sbb aku eksaited sgt after losing 2kg in 3days with atkins,then blh katekan slalu aku nk g naik atas penimbang..

perkara ni mmg tak bagus..mmg nmpk cm bkan ade ape sgt pn kan..just naik n tgk bacaan..masalah nyer habits ini akn membuatkan anda2 ilang smgat nk kurus n lagi worst u will start thinking this way,"adoii,,baru turun 2kelo,pastu naik plak 0.5kelo.."n that will make u rase nk melantak je bebyk..aduihh..mmg jenuh aku nk back kpd disiplin asal..and finally tersasar2la 2 3 hari melebihi 20g of carbs intake....

selamba badak makan domino's pizza tnpa was2...arghh..nape jadi begini..please marah aku skrg...heheheh

ok..aku insaf skrg..n aku tak buat dah...

plus plus plus..aku nk gtau..aku ade pembakar smgat balik...aku menang contest kat blog si dzul tu..n hadiahnyer pooh..mmg nmpak cam..ala..pooh je kot..TAPI...bnda tu blh jadi catalyst utk ko capai berat aku akn lebih bersemangat..yeah!!

setelah menang 1 contest baru aku tau perasaan menang kontes ni mcm menang loteri...ehh..ko pnh ke menang loteri?? sape2 ade contest blh la invite aku...pastu pastikan aku yg menang la...tak kesian ke tgk kegigihan aku nk menang adiah..heheh

till then..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

pic2 gumuk..

bagi menimbulkan rase benci gumuk..maka aku update latest foto yg menjengkilkan...aku tanak gumuk..n please..aku nk kurus...really eager!!tadi pegi farmasi gtau yg my period cycle is not in right order..pharmacist tu suh check kencing manis...terus cuak giler..aku tanak sakit..cukup la yg dikatekan penyakit keturunan tu stop sampai ke ayh aku je...aku sendri sengsara tgk ayh kna cucuk2 insulin hari2...aku bukan nk kurus utk cantik sbb aku mmg dah cantik...cehh..mmg ayt minta pelempang...tade2..aku nk kurus sbb aku nk sihat...

please reduce..please reduce

 gumuk tak terhingga...lagi mau layan secret recipe

ni gmbr kenduri dirumah kwn aku..

Monday, December 20, 2010

roughly update

sepatutnye aku hapdate hari2..tpi sbb dah out of date..maka gabungkan 2 hari pnye menu..i'm doing this purposely so dat i can remember what i've taken during my diet..

so menu hari ke 5 dan 6..

day 5

 2 ekor ikan apetah(yg bese org guna wat ikan dlm nasik kerabu)
1 isi solok lada+ulam2 kerabu
1/4 telur masin
1 liter air suam


alamak lunch yg tak bape best nk citer ni..aku attend kenduri doa slamat takkan tak mkn kalo dh parents die dok jemput2..ishh sungguh last aku decide ambik lauk2 knduri..n evntho aku mmg la tak amik nasik..tpi atkins mmg takleh mkn lauk berkuah2 yg besenye diletakkan gula..tpi kes darurat cmni..aku excuse la..takkan nk tapis sume kuah2 yg ade.. maka menu nya

2 ketul aym masak merah+daging rendang+sayur kacang buncis

carbo intake mmg dah over ni..mane leh makan kekacang..high carb jugak..takpe la..can i make this day as cheat day..or actually everyday ko cheat..deyy!!!

then after kenduri..aku kuar ngn boipren..g jusco..maka aku cube bertahan utk tak kasi kantoi again!!please la..

so kuar makan..(aku teman je plus minum air mineral 2 botol yg 500ml..rase bersalah ke dah insaf ni??)then watch muvie TRON..1st tyme kot tak bli popcorn yg penuh caramel..n nasib baik si boipren yg dah kenyang melantak pn tak offer utk bli popcorn..kalo tak sure aku tergoda n ambik bau je la....kuar muvie baru rase dinner bersama memandangkan for atkiners mmg TAK BOLAH MKN AFTER cpt2 kasik isi ini perut..

2 days in a week makan kenny rogers..kalo la dgn makan kenny roges aku akn kelihatan gojes takpe tak...but at the moment cume kenny je yg aku rase seswai utk dimakan...nk g KFC..aym die bertepung..malah tepungnyer yg buat sedap..McD pn trima lah..kenny aje ye tekak..

so ini la yg aku dinner..dah pandai order more pasta..sume sayur..cume yg sweet corn tu mmg sweet la kan...ish.byk nyer carb arini..

day 6

breakfast and lunch

breakfast :omelette yg super sedap
2biji telur (0.02 g)
3 helai baby cabbage hiris halus
1 keping cheese ( < 1g) taruk kat tengah mase agak2 telur dah menggaring..n then bungkus
1 sudu tuna spread kat atas omelette tadi..(0.4g)
1 liter air suam

lunch:1 ekor ikan kerisi goreng+sayur sawi ditumis
1 liter air suam

nk sampai ke mlm aku terasa lapar menggatal nk wujud la tea tyme

tea time yg tak minum teh and dinner

tea time ::coleslow buatan sendri + 2 sausage (3.4g)
dinner::ikan kerapu bhgian ekor w/o kuah sweet sour+sayur campur

total air suam diminum is more than 3liter...hooohoo

mulai esok sudah boleh update dgn up-to-date more 2 day menu is cramp in one

3rd and 4rd day

Ok..menjelang hari ketiga dan keempat...mmg bab2 kantoi ni slalu tak dpt elak..kalo la kantoi makan lebih carb ni dpt dosa..dah bertimbun dah dosa terkumpul...

ok my 3rd day of atkins


air:: 1 liter air suam

ni menu terpakse..ceh2..actually on that day..kuar g beebo n takleh elak..takkan nk aku choose to have kenny..the most suitable for atkiners..
but the kantoi part was..i choose 3 side dish..yg satu tu tak bape kena..mane leh makan pasta..chaitt..then air yg berwarna hijau of coz la manis..aku amik minty green tea..tpi serious sedap..
so my dinner terpaksa cut everything..
so dinner 

1 L air suam
3 ketul baby carrot yg ready to eat..

n the 4rd day

heheh..terlupe snap pic 

tpi dun worry..ade catat::1 L air suam
2 biji telur + 1 sudu mayonis+1/2 tomato (scramble egg)
 sayur sawi bunga+1/2 tomato
1/2 ikan kerisi+1/2 ikan cencaru
1 liter air suam

1 biji telur+1 btg celery+1 keping cheese(omelette)
1 liter air suam

Saturday, December 18, 2010

mulakan atkins diet

what a speacial day!!

hari ni dgn pnuh azam berkobar2..aku akn start catatkan semua diet2 yg diambil spjg hari..

actually i've found a person who really inspires dak ni dzul..mybe dlm golongan yg berdiet..ramai dh knal dak ni..much younger than me..tpi penulisannye mmg mengkagumkan

so conclusion from my reading

aku nk try sendri diet ni..its actually dr Atkins idea of diet..drpd sumber pmbacaan ni sememangnye works to those yg ingin berdiet..maybe cara ni juga works for me..hrp2 sgt since i've tried so many ways to reduce my size

sedih kot..dari zaman skolah aku aktif sukan..lari jarak jauh..rentas desa segala..sume blh menempah kdudukan..tapi keburukannye,pas aku masuk UM..everything changes..

sejak kat asasi..dah jarang bersukan..bile degree lagi la berganda2 naiknye..maklumla ade org blanje makan..ade org ajak makan..n ade org mintak teman makan..

so its end up menjadikan aku gumuk seperti dipam2.

utk atkins ni,menu die lebih kurg cmni.
u can take much as u love..tpi kna control yg carbo intake..not more than 20g perday..its a must for induction session..n it takes atleast 2 weeks of induction...ATLEAST..

so ape yg blh makan duhai perut:
ayam::ikan::daging(tpi x digalakkan sgt)::sayur hijau::cheese slice(2/3 slice sehari),mayonis yg low carb,sausage yg low carb...n sewaktu dgnnye.

so ape lak yg tak blh dimakan??
plz bear in mind..never ever touch nasik..any kind pn tak blh..beras perang pn tak blh buat mase skrg..herba poni ke ponytale ke..sume takleh.

buah2an pn tak blh..manis tak seswai utk atkiners.

sos cili,tomato,tiram..sume tak leh.

air2 manis..dlm erti kate lain,air yg dicampur gula...nonono..

n for atkins ni..teramat serta maha penting adalah kuantiti air yg diambil..n air tersebut bukan la air sungai..atau air mata air..msti lah air suam..the more u minum the mre ore frequent u will go to kan bagus tu

so menu utk hari rabu

so aku dah mulakan sejak hari rabu 15/12

scramble egg+mayonis 1 sudu+1/2 tomato+1L air suam

1/4 slice ikan tenggiri+sayur+udang + 1L air suam

nway dinner tak sempat capture gmbr plak..aku makan 1 ekor ikan bwal putih + 1 mangkuk sayur campur  + air suam 1 L

ni this is my 2nd day of induction.
scramble egg:: 2 biji tlur+1/2 tomato+1 sudu tuna+1 L air suam

 1 ekor ikan bawal putih goreng+ 1 mangkuk sayur sawi n baby kobis+1 sudu mayonis+
1 L air

n again terlupe snap gmbr dinner..terkantoi sebenarnye..baru 2nd day dah kantoi...ape daaa

dinner : ratah ikan + 3 ketul sata..waaaaa..terasa menyesal
till then..nnt update menu lagi

Monday, December 13, 2010

i'm back..
and its like a super dusty blog already..

lamenyer tinggalkan blog ni.
n smmgnye motip tulis blog ni pn utk diet bile tak diet maka blog ni pn berhabuk kmbali..

mane ilangnye semangat..

tpi mlm tdi smagt tu cam dtg balik..but how serious it is..kte tggu dan lihat sje..

actually..i've found someone to inspires me and guide me as well..

cume dlu skali ngn gym n aerobic klas kat AROMA FITNESS..tpi skrg..i'm gonna do this way..

as what dr rapidai suggest..kate beliau,kna makan bihun sup SAHAJA..wat la camne cara pn..tpi cume bihun more yg peliknye die sarankan utk minum light coke...cara diet ni mmg blum pnah didengari lagi

heheh..bydaway..i'm gonna work dis way now.

  1. jaga and pantau ape yg dimakan..
  2. no more paling mencabar
  3. my motivation..tiru cara adieha berdiet
  4. exercise n record what u have done..
after all..takmo berkata kosong n update menggila tpi kesan nyer mencubala dri skrg...chaiyok2

Thursday, March 4, 2010

day 4~ 15weeks-without-rice

day 4
4th march 2010


arini..update lelaju skit..dh ngntok..esok kna g gym...tdo kna cukup..pastu nk gerak gi kl..


my breakfast :  hahahahah..DGN BANGGANYE KAU MAKAN BIHUN SUP

ni sume gara-gara tak mampu+segan nk tolak pelawaan ayh utk breakfast ngn a bowl ok kot ek...heheh..

lunch  : banana..tak sempat kire bape...
           1000ml air kosong (tak perah lemon arini)

in between tu ade gak aku curi2 makan steamboat semalam..opah dh rase la skit..ecece..alasan..

dinner : 1mangkuk sayur campur...ibu masak..sayur cmpur masak kicap..ok la..not bad..tapi carrot die keras aku kureng skit..

ok tu je nk update..

arini langsung tak workout..nape ntah..kemalasan melanda.....

till then..bubye.....

day 3~ 15weeks-without-rice

salam..ntah nape smlm malas tol nk post pasal ape yg hari ni homework to update about my diet would be in two post...yesterday and today's menu..

day 3
3rd march 2010

wake up : alahai terlupe minum seteguk air masak la...ermm..sorry morry

breakfast : red apple separuh je
arini pegi gym sambil bwk 100plus sebotol yg sederhana tu...ermm..smlm punye tak bwk g kirenye..arini for breakfast tak minum air masak seliter..ermm half ade kot..

around 11a.m : daku makan sepiring buah2an..tadi kan breakfast lite mkn lagi..lapoorrr

ahha..ade tambahan betik ye..ermm manis2

lunch      : since arini the menu would be a mix of vege and for lunch gigih la aku masak sayur..arini content of sayurnyer same...tapi cara masak berbeza..aku letak sos tiram utk menyedapkan...but still no say NO to minyak la..

sayur yg siap disiang utk dimasak..


dah siap...jemput makan..heheh

ermm..ape yg best diet kali ni adalah..ayh dan ibu saye menyokong...sgt suke...thnx sbb memahami..anak ibu and ayh bukan tanak makan sbb ibu masak tak no...tapi sbb dah terlebey sudey ni...bambam dah...

ayh pn best..bile die tgk usaha aku berdiet..elak gym...die pn cam automatic sokong...blikan buah2an yg beraneka byknye so dat aku tak boring makan da same die bli betik dan nenas madu arini...

n lucky dat ayh pn rase nk diet..yela..bkn utk kurus je diet ni..tpi utk sehat..ayh saye mmg hobi die collect penyakit ...ehh bukan2..tapi mmg penyakit die comes in package gitu...kencing manis,darah tinggi, die mmg kna control sugar and makanan yg diambik pn kna sehat..tapi idak la sampai kna detox gak cm aku...kang lapar..hypo lak mkn..tapi kuantiti dihadkan...

 tu la ayh yg tgk makan sayur jugak..teheee..

dinner  : dinner arini terlanggar pantang skit since arini ktorg gi econsave...ayh teringin nk makan steamboat..
so for dinner.. i had my steamboat..tapi tak la manyak sgt...sedang2 je...

ohhh..arini aku jugak sempat grab the scale kat econsave from tyme to tyme akn diupdatekan berat ku yg sungguh berat ni..


my workout

arini ke gym..5min warming up by cycling pastu streching.....then wat senaman perut yg sakit tu...seriously sakit..ok..sumpah tak tipu..sit up 3set ke 4set..tak ingt dah..

pastu buat senaman ape-tah namenye..langers kot..[eja je taktau btul ke tak]

selepas tu wat cycling for another instructor suh upgrade kan kna kayuh lelaju 4min yg average-tapi-sbnrnye-laju and seminit yg btul2 5min satu utk 30 min kna wat 6set...adoi....

arini jugak wat total tyme kat aroma fitness arini adalah 2jam ye...hoho..penat jgn dicakap..peluh jantan betina pon kuar...hehe..

floor aerobic arini wat line dance..lagu best...nobody from wonder kalo yg nk tgk cmne nk video ni

nobody  selamat menengok...


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

day 2 ~ 15weeks-without-rice

day 2
2 march 2010

wake-up: 1 gelas air kosong

arini aku tak ke gym..adoi..sakit sangat badan2..bawah peha..buntuit..sume sakit..lagipun aroma fitness tu akan aku kunjungi 3kali seminggu..makonyo kalo ade yg skip2 tu long  in that week cukup 3kali..

so tak gi gym..arini jugak merupakan hari kedua detox..sepatutnye kna consume vege je hari ni..tapi mcm kurg jadi skit.MySpace.alahai..dugaan sungguh la..pagi sampai la ke lunch..sume ok...dinner aku problem skit..

breakfast ( 9.30a.m) : 1 pinggan sayur campur yg lazat lagi enak..takde minyak..rencahnye ikan bilis letak sikit...oohhh sedap jugak ratah sayur je ni
                            1000ml air kosong (diperah lemon tnpa gula-gula)
so inilah sayur campur resepi aku..
kandungannye, kacang peas,saderi,kobis,carrot,brokoli,cauli flower,sawi bunga dan salad
aku masak byk sbb nk mkn for lunch jugak

gmbr same takpe kan...air nyer baru..kaedahnye same

dalam kul seblas..aku rase lapar...emm..not exactly lapar..tapi sayur tdi cm mkn lagi skit..tapi since dlm article tu "You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the new and cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the account or type "

lunch ( 1.30p.m)     : 1 pinggan sayur campur
                         1000ml air kosong perahan lemon MySpace

dinnet (7.30p.m)     : 1mangkuk sayur (pak choy) berkuahkan tomyam *waaaa..aku kantoi sbb letak sotong sambal tumis..but still takde nasik...blh consider tak??
                          1000ml air kosong perahan lemon

my workout for today

since aku tak gi aroma fitness centre aku gntikan dgn senaman lain


skipping 100kali sebanyak 5set..= 500 kali katak melompat..huhu

penat jugak speaking skipping ni..berpeluh2 MySpace daku nk abeskan 500 tu...then warming down..pastu rehat main tenet

ok..sudah masenye utk aku hibernate..tataaaa..jumpe lagi belog syg..MySpace

Monday, March 1, 2010

day 1~ 15weeks-without-rice

hari pertama
1 march 2010

wake-up : 1 gelas air kosong

arini saya tak breakfast sbb dah lambat utk ke gym..sempat minum 1000ml air kosong yg dibawa bersama

brunch (11.30a.m) : sepiring buah-buahan..consists of green apple,red apple,kiwi
                               1000ml air kosong (diperah lemon tanpa gula)

lemon tu aku tidak makan begitu saje...gile hape..masam kot

so lunch saya skip yer..since terasa kenyang lagi..

dinner (9.30 p.m) :  1/2 piring yong tau foo (tnpa kuew tiow) *dinner tak sepatutnye selmbat ni...tapi hari ni ade dinner after class.
                              1000ml air kosong (diperah lemon tanpa gula jugak)

air kosong campur lemon

my workout

arini buat gym..aerobic agak aku tak mampu nk ikut...lagi pn bak kate instructor aku..kalori lebih banyak burn dgn kardio,cycling...pendek kate alatan gym tu la..

 5min cycle 
 warming up
 sit up 10kali (4set) * sgt sakit badan wooo..terutamanye bhgian perut..
 cycling lagi 4min [average] + 1min [speed up] (for 30minute = 6set of 4+1) *yg ni tyme buat tu blh tau kunun2 ko lari brape mine is 10.1 km..walaupun still kat tmpt yg same...heheh..calori burns pn 205  triceps 10kiri 10 kanan (2set)
warming down..

7 hari detox..

ok2..seperti yg aku mention dlm entry sblm ni...aku sedang mencube utk wat program ni..

so..there we go..what is 7days detox?

credit to jangmilah yg share about this program n she did it..die wat for 5 days je out of  7days pn bleyh turun 2kg...ehh..bkn senang wei nk turun 2kg seminggu..gempak tu!! i mintak izin nk copy to my entry yer...

so this is the thing la..korg bleyh bace..mane tau korg pn bleyh ter-ber-minat cam aku ni tyme bace entry ni kat page die

This program is designed for a target weight loss of 5-6kgs per week. It will also improve your attitude and emotions because of its systematic cleansing effects. The effectiveness of this 7 day plan is that the foods eaten burn more calories than they give to the body in caloric value. This plan can be used as often as you like to without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After 7 days you will begin to feel lighter by at least 10 pounds. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.During the first 7 days you must drink 10 glasses of water each day.
DAY ONE : All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consists of all fruits you want. It is suggested you consume lots of watermelon and cantaloupe.
DAY TWO : All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the new and cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the account or type. Avoid oil and coconut while cooking vegetables. Have large boiled potato for breakfast.
DAY THREE : Any mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet and No potatoes today.
DAY FOUR : Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as 8 bananas and drink 3 glasses of milk. You can also have I bowl of vegetables soup.
DAY FIVE : Today is a feast day. You will eat 1 cup of rice.** You also have to eat 6 whole tomatoes and drink 12 glasses of water today to cleanse your system of the excess uric acid you will be producing.** yang nie kita gantikan dengan roti/bihun (selain nasi ler)
DAY SIX : Today is another all vegetables day. You must eat 1 cup of rice today and eat all the vegetables you want cooked and uncooked to your heart’s content.
DAY SEVEN : Today your food intake will consist of 1 cup rice, fruit juice and the vegetables you care to consume.
Tomorrow morning you will be 5 to 8 kgs. lighter than 1 week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. Repeat the program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you rest for 3 days before every repetition.You have your system under control now and it will thank you for all the purging and cleansing you just gave it. Even more than a diet program it is good to follow this diet once in a while to clean yourdigestive system and remove toxic substances that have a accumulated in the system.

doakan saya mampu berjaya hadapi dugaan2 yg bakal mendatang yer!!thnx

azam tu impian..bkn azam anak pak mail!

MySpacekan first day..kna la semangat..hehe..

ok..memula kte bercerita ttg cmne agaknye rupe aku bile dah kurus...ehh tak...cmne plan untuk aku nk kurus ni..
setelah meninjau beberapa belog yg menceritakan ttg camne diorg kurus..n ade lak yg join program 99HTN [hari-tanpa-nasi]...nape aku tak tau pn pasal program ni..alahai..terlepas sudahh... long kte berdisiplin tak salah kalo aku amik idea tu utk diri aku sendiri..sememangnye takkan menang contest tu since tarikh contest pn dh tutup..

ok..plannyer camni..aku akn cube program 15 minggu tanpa nasi..which means..kalo dikira2 harinye..ade lebih kurg 105 hari...lebih 6hari dari 99HTN..kan tanak kalah...huhu..

the three months start today...1 MARCH 2010..
so it will end up by 13 JUNE 2010..ahha..jatuh pade tarikh anniversary saya..owhh..lucky day tuMySpace

then insyaAllah at the same tyme..and i'm trying for this first week..aku nk try wat detox yg 7days menarik je tgk diorg2 blh hilang byk kilo in just a week..nanti daku critakan bgaimana nk wat..

selain aku kawal mkn..aku jugak ade register gym and aerobic class..masuk hari ni..dah 3hari dah..n aku jugak akn updatekan ttg workout2 yg dilakukan..MySpace

kali ni..cara diet aku more on traditional supplement..sbb aku takot side effect..kan penat2 je kurus skali mati cpt...ehh tak2...kalo korg dah mmg mkn supplement ke food replacement ke..go on la...aku tak nak wat dlu sbb nk cube cara ni pulak...

buat mase skrg scale utk timbang diriku yg berat ni blum bli lagi...nnt akn aku updatekan berat sebenar bile dah bli scale tu nnti k..MySpace

ohh..mase untuk berubah

actually dh lame rasenye aku usaha utk kurus..atleast to get back to my ideal weight..sgt2 teringin..bahkan bkn tak usaha..dh macam2 usaha dh..tpi kalo tak disiplin mmg tak leyh nk wat ape..

i've tried herbalife before..n not bcoz of herbalife doesn't work but it is all about myself..aku yg tak disiplin..

then when i work as the part-timer kat vitacare pharmacy..lagi la..i've tried the cleansing tea yg akn buat korg berry2 setiap 8jam..perfectly 8jam wehh..tak lmbt..tak cepat..i've tried the 21st century replacement food supplement and macam2 lagi..but as i said..kalo diri tak disipin..mmg susah

n now..i really2 hope this blog will helps me..everytime tgk show THE BIGGEST LOSER..expecially yg asia ni..asik ckp dlm hati cmni

"diorg lagi gemuk dari aku...lagi cam yg nk bwk badan pn tak larat..tpi still diorg sanggup utk maintain disiplin yg kuat..."

dari situ aku mulakan impian..aku mmg nk kurus...bkn saje kurus utk sedap mata aku sendiri memandang tapi jugak untuk maintain sehat..kalo aku gumuk...penyakit pn senang nk dekat...

so as today is my first day..n last nite was the nite to kumpulkan semangat by reading people's blog about their diet aku sudah bersedia utk berubah..yes..aku akn cube sdaya upaya aku..

korg2 yg bace..rerajin la support aku yer...dis blog mmg aku tak war2 kan..segan kot..